September 21 to 27, 2020 is Science Literacy Week across Canada. Every year schools, libraries, museums, science centres, and not-for-profit organizations across the country team up to celebrate the best of Canadian science and to help foster scientific literacy throughout our society.
Last year’s SLW focused on the theme of “oceans” and featured more than 650 events in 250 locations across Canada. This year’s theme is “biodiversity”, and while the COVID-19 pandemic places limits on in-person events, there are many online events aimed at children, teens, and adults from all walks of life.
To find out more, visit the Science Literacy Week website’s events page.
If you’re really passionate about science, it’s not too late to host an event yourself or otherwise get involved. Event organizers are encouraging participants to organize science workshops, create book displays, host webinars, or share science book recommendations on social media with the hashtag #SciLit and become official Science Literacy Week partners.
For updates on SLW, follow the official campaign Twitter (@scilitweek) and Facebook ( accounts.
Speaking of exciting science news, registration will open October 5 for this year’s WISEST (Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science, and Technology) SET Conference, open to female and gender minority students in grades 10-12. This year’s conference will be entirely virtual. Stay tuned for more updates.