Summer School

School-aged students in Alberta can take summer school courses at any school of their choosing within the province. However, they cannot enroll in the same course at more than one school simultaneously.

We offer online summer school core and elective courses to all eligible, school-aged, high school students across Alberta. These courses are condensed to fit within the limited time frame of the summer term, while maintaining Alberta Education standards. All VVS courses are asynchronous which means that students do not attend a class at a specific time, rather they complete their assignments according to the schedule outlined by their course teachers. This allows students to work at their own pace and around other commitments, while also having an outline to help them stay organized and motivated.

Our summer term is suitable for students wanting to upgrade course marks, catch up on missed courses or earn extra high school credits and create room in next year’s schedule!

Is Summer School right for you?




April 14 – Summer Semester Registration Opens

June 6 – Summer Semester Registration Closes

July 1 – First Day of the Summer Semester

July 25 – Last Day to Submit Course Assessment(s)

July 28 – July 31 – Exam Week


*Before your primary school closes for the summer, students using Chromebooks from their primary school should make sure that Proctorio is installed on their device. Please note that this can only be installed by your primary school.

Students can enroll in a maximum of 10 credits at Vista Virtual School in the summer term. Note: they are eligible to take summer courses at more than one school.

  • During the summer term, students are only allowed to take ONE core course.
  • Students can expect to work at least 20 hours per week to complete a 5-credit course.
  • There are no extensions for summer courses.

Students must work regularly in their courses, submitting work throughout the summer term and adhere to their provided timelines. Students should not be away for more than 3 days at a time with no more than 6 days away total from the course.

Students who do not complete their course by the end of the summer semester, or request to be withdrawn after the deadline, will have their mark finalized (zeros entered for assignments not completed) and mark(s) reported to Alberta Education.

Those looking to withdraw from a course should log-in to SchoolEngage and fill out the Vista Virtual School COURSE WITHDRAWAL Form. Withdrawing from a course does not automatically cancel a diploma exam registration. This must be cancelled directly in myPass.

*Students can enroll in Career and Life Management or Physical Education in addition to another core course at Vista Virtual School in the summer term. 


Students cannot be registered in the same course in the summer term with another school. All registration eligibility requirements and admission process information are listed on the Registration webpage.

  • To register for a course, students must have prerequisite course marks on their Detailed Academic Report (DAR) or provide an official grade nine report card for grade 10 courses (screenshots, progress reports, or emails from school counsellors or teachers cannot be accepted).
  • Students transitioning from grade 9 to grade 10 may request courses that do not have prerequisites such as: Career and Life Management (CALM), Physical Education 10, and introductory CTS.

To register, please review the following bullet points to determine the process tailored to your specific student type.

  • NEW or ESA students must complete our Registration Form. Please note that the summer 2025 registration form is not yet available.
  • Current students must use our Returning Student Registration Form. Please note that the summer 2025 returning students registration form is not yet available.
  • Students who are 20 years of age, or older, as of September 1 of the current school year need to register for our adult summer semester. Please note that the summer 2025 registration form is not yet available.

Note: course change requests must come from a guardian’s email for students under 18.


Due to condensed course content and a compressed summer timeline, exam accommodations and support may be limited.  Please discuss accommodations and supports with your teacher upon registration.

If you require extensive and/or unique exam accommodations/support, you are encouraged to speak to an Inclusive Education teacher or the course teacher prior to registering.

Flexible timelines and significant changes to assignment submission due dates, for core courses, will not be an available accommodation.



There are no tuition or registration fees for Summer School courses for school-aged students.


Required materials have a caution fee that is 100% refundable when materials are returned within 30 days of completion/withdrawal and in reusable condition.

Refer to our Course Catalogue for materials and pricing.

– Note: Full payment for materials is due within 48 hours of registration.


Students residing in the Calgary region are required to pick up their materials from the VVS Calgary campus or pay a $25 flat rate shipping fee. Those residing outside of Calgary but within Alberta will have materials shipped to them for the $25 flat rate shipping fee. Those residing outside of Alberta are responsible for out-of-province shipping fees.*Materials that are ordered for summer courses are shipped as they are ordered.


Grades 10-12 materials must be returned, in reusable condition, within 30 days of completion/withdrawal to receive a refund.*

*See our Policies page for more information on textbooks and material returns, refunds and shipping fees.


Check our Diploma Exams webpage for more details on dates, times and locations.
Reminder: Diploma exams are not the same as course final exams; students must write both.

Diploma exam writing centres in Calgary may be heavily populated and, in most cases, we do not offer isolation.  Please refer to the Diploma Exams page for more information.


Have questions?
Give us a call at 1-855-974-5333 x5317 or email

Last Updated: January 22, 2025