
Grades 1-9 Primary
Grades 10-12 Primary - Registered with VVS in Semester 1OPEN
Grades 10-12 Primary - NOT registered with VVS in Semester 1CLOSED
Grades 10-12 Non-Primary
Grades 1-9 InternationalOPEN
Grades 10-12 InternationalOPEN
Summer School CLOSED

VVS is now accepting Semester 2 registrations for new Non-Primary, Adult, and International students. Please review the VVS Registration Checklist below to get started!

Returning students registered with VVS in the 2024-25 school year should log-in to SchoolEngage and fill out this form:
Vista Virtual School RETURNING STUDENT SEMESTER 2 Registratioin form (Grades 10-12)

VVS cannot accept new primary students after the first semester registration deadline.


To access the registration form, please complete each step below:

Step 1. Determine Your Student Type and Eligbility

Once you have determined the student type that best fits you, be sure to confirm that you meet all eligibility requirements:

Is Online Learning Right For Me?

Step 2. Get Your Supporting Documents Ready

When you fill out our registration form, you will be asked to provide the following:

A.Proof of Student’s Age, Legal Name, and Citizenship (Required)

  • All students must upload proof of citizenship documents. The required documents vary based on your student type and citizenship status.
  • To find out which specific documents you need to provide, please refer to our Citizenship Document Guide.

B.Proof of Alberta Residency

  • Accepted documents include: the parent’s Alberta driver’s license, a utility bill, a lease agreement. The document must meet these requirements:

✔️ it must match the address on the application

✔️ it must include the parent or legal guardian or independent student name

✔️ it must be valid for the school year

C. Current Specialized Support Documents

  • This includes Individualized Support Plans (ISP), Individualized Program Plans (IPP), medical or mental health assessment documents.

D. Custody/​​Guardianship Documents

  • Where the parent is not the legal guardian of the student.

E. Report Cards / Transcripts

  • New primary students (grades 1 – 10) or students new to Alberta (all grades).

*Additional documents may be required

Step 3. Determine Which Courses You Would Like to Take
Step 4. Review VVS Policies and Requirements
  • All parents/guardians must have a unique email address. It must be different from the student’s email.
  • Students must be able to meet the minimum technology requirements to successfully complete a course at VVS
  • Students and at least one of their guardians must remain opted in to receiving communications sent from our Information System and School Messenger. Essential information regarding course updates, exams, holiday closures, and more are sent through these mediums.

To view all VVS policies, especially our refund policy, click here.

Step 5. Register Through SchoolEngage

A SchoolEngage account is needed to access registration forms and pay school fees as required. A SchoolEngage account must be created by someone 18 or older, unless the student qualifies as independent (aged 16-17 and does not reside with a parent or legal guardian).

  • For students under 18: The PARENT/GUARDIAN must create a SchoolEngage account, add their child as a student, and then complete the registration form
  • For students 18 and older or independent: The STUDENT must create a SchoolEngage account, add themselves as a student, and then complete the registration form

Need assistance? Check out our Getting Started With VVS for a step-by-step guide!

Now that you have completed the VVS Registration Checklist, it’s time to REGISTER