School Exams

School exams, including midterm and final exams, can be scheduled once all assignments have been submitted and graded. Teacher approval is required to schedule appeal exams.

For 30-level courses, students must write a final exam and a diploma exam.


Photo ID is required for all supervised exams. If you do not have a valid piece of photo identification, we are here to help.

Follow the steps below to get a Vista Virtual School Student ID Card, which will serve as your identification during the quizzes, midterms, and exams.

  1. Subject Line Clarity: Draft an email to with the subject line “Photo ID Request” for faster processing.
  2. Attach a photo: Include a clear, passport-style photo of yourself from the shoulders up on a plain background in the email. 📸✨
  3. Address Verification: Before hitting send, be sure to add your current mailing address to the email.

To avoid delays on exam day, please complete these steps well in advance. Depending on the volume of requests we receive, it may take several weeks to receive your ID card. 


Depending on your course structure and teacher’s preference, you will be asked to use one of the three methods of exam supervision listed below:


Proctorio is an online automated proctoring service that monitors and records (audio and video) students as they write exams. This service records all actions that students take during the exam including:

  • Keyboard strikes and mouse clicks
  • Internet activity
  • Internet connection type and location

This service assists teachers in monitoring exams as it will alert them of any suspicious student activity. If required, teachers can go back and review the video recorded of the student during the Proctorio monitored exam.

For more information, including how to set up Proctorio and the rules and guidelines during a Proctorio monitored exam, please visit our Technical Support page.


Before you call or email us to schedule a time to write your exam, please note the following:

  • Students can write their exams at Calgary Campus at either 9 am or 1 pm, Monday through Friday. The exam room is open until 4:15pm.
  • If you require extra writing time (i.e double time; no documentation required), please schedule the exam for 9 am.
  • If you currently have any VVS teacher approved exam accommodations (documentation required), please notify support staff at the time of booking.
  • Exam computers, approved data booklets/formula sheets, and scrap paper will be provided.
  • Students are required to adhere to the Exam Room Protocol.

TO BOOK: Call 1-855-974-5333 x5317 or email


Vista Virtual School (VVS) students who are unable to write an exam in our Calgary campus or through Proctorio may arrange for an external exam supervisor. To apply for this service, students must find a qualified supervisor and have them submit an Exam Supervisor Application Form a minimum of five days before the requested writing date. VVS staff will review the submission, and you may be contacted for additional information. Incomplete forms, or applications from supervisors who do not meet the qualifications, will delay the release of exams. 


An exam supervisor must:
  • Be a certified teacher, preferably working in an accredited teaching institution. In extenuating circumstances, a librarian, teaching assistant, or person from another field may be considered.
    read, write and speak English fluently.
  • Not have any conflicts of interest (cannot be a friend, relative, coach or someone who has taught/tutored the student in the course which the exam is based).
  • Be able to supervise online or print format exams (includes printing exams, in color, where required) and keep all exams confidential and secure.
  • Complete the Exam Supervisor Application Form.


Once the exam supervisor and location has been approved by VVS, students must:

  1. Arrange a time to write the exam with their approved exam supervisor. Note: Fees charged by alternate writing locations are the responsibility of the student.
  2. Request their VVS teacher email the exam information to their approved exam supervisor.

Students can discuss exam writing options and expectations with their teacher. For more information about our exam policies, please see our Policies webpage.


We care about your success! If you are a student in need of special accommodations when writing VVS school exams, we can help.

To receive exam accommodations, you must submit the necessary documentation before taking a school exam. Required documents may include the following:

  • Educational Assessments (5 years old or less)
  • A School Support Plan (current or from your last school year)
  • A Medical Note (less than 1 year old)

If you have already submitted these documents during registration, please speak with your teacher about your accommodations.

Kindly send any relevant documents to our offices via email at